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Scania R650 | Becatrans

Scania R650 NG Becatrans

Scania R650 | Becatrans Scania R650 in BUFFL Style

At Becatrans in Poperinge, Flanders, they had a Scania R650 that they wanted to give a BUFFL interior. We had the opportunity to thoroughly work on the truck.

The bed’s lower plate is upholstered with black leather and features a logo with red lighting for that extra touch of ambiance. The entire interior has been reupholstered with luxurious Alcantara, including extended side panels and a new front headliner with matching buttons. The front cabinet and glasses are upholstered in the truck’s colors, while the front cabinet plate features black leather buttons. It was already a beautiful Scania, but now it’s just a bit more beautiful.

Below, you can view all the photos of the interior of this Scania R650.



Scania R650 | Becatrans
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Voorbed met verlicht logo
achterwand scania V8
Scania R650 interieur
achterkast bekleed scania
Stoelframe BUFFL
achterwand scania V8
V8 logo verlicht met speakerzuilen
Voorbed bekleed scania R650
Scania R650 | Becatrans
Bekleed deurpaneel
Voorbed met verlicht logo
achterwand scania V8
Scania R650 interieur
achterkast bekleed scania
Stoelframe BUFFL
achterwand scania V8
V8 logo verlicht met speakerzuilen
Voorbed bekleed scania R650
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