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Scania R580 | Ottensen

Scania R580 ottensen

Kent Ottesen knows the quality of BUFFL well – a familiar face at BUFFL Customizers

Kent Ottesen often visits to turn their cabins into true showpieces. This time, it’s their Scania R580. And this surely won’t be the last Ottesen we encounter in our workshop.

White and red – the colors of Kent Ottesen. These must naturally be reflected in the new interior. And did we succeed! The ceiling is entirely knotted and equipped with two white spots surrounded by 16 red LED dots. The side ceilings are flatly upholstered with an additional trim. In the rear wall, which is half-knotted and half-flat, the Scania logo is placed. It’s painted in the exact color of the truck’s exterior. Additional audio has also been installed on the rear wall.

Furthermore, the truck features brand new red curtains. A new floor has been laid, and the upper bunk is knotted. Even the door panels are knotted. The lower plate of the front cabinet is also knotted.

Check out the photos of this R580 here:


Stoelframe rood BUFFL
Deurpaneel scania R wit bekleed
Voorraamstrook met gordijnen
Stoel met rode stiksel
Interieur BUFFL Ottensen scania R
Interieur BUFFL Ottensen scania R
Geknoopte hemel met rode leds
Vloer Scania R580
Interieur scania r580
Scania R580 ottensen
Stoelframe rood BUFFL
Deurpaneel scania R wit bekleed
Voorraamstrook met gordijnen
Stoel met rode stiksel
Interieur BUFFL Ottensen scania R
Interieur BUFFL Ottensen scania R
Geknoopte hemel met rode leds
Vloer Scania R580
Interieur scania r580
Scania R580 ottensen
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Also check out our other Scania trucks interior and exterior photo albums.