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The Scania R 450 of ETR

Gouden hogedrukspuit in achterwand

ETR from Germany came with a request that we often hear

“Can you make sure that the rear wall is given a personal touch?” Whether that succeeded, you’ll read below:

The headliner of this cabin is fully knotted and equipped with four white LED spots and two red melon lights. Both the rear and front cabinets have been reupholstered with curtain fabric, and both bottoms are equipped with a knotted base plate. In the knotted base plate of the front cabinet, there are still red LED points to highlight the knot, and in the middle, a bedside lamp covered with gray Danish plush is placed.

Furthermore, a completely new floor has been laid, and the side headliners are flat-lined. The detail in the side headliners is that the compartments are lined, and a piping of gray Danish plush has been chosen. I also see this in the curtain set. The rear wall is partially flat-lined and partially knotted. In the middle of the rear wall, you can see the personal touch, namely a gold-sprayed high-pressure cleaner. This is completely surrounded by red LED lighting.

Check out the photos of the Scania R450 of ETR:


Zijwand en achterwand half vlak half geknoopt
geknoopte hemel met rode spot en beklde zijhemel en voorkast
Beklde achterkast
Geknoopte hemel en beklede voorkast
Scania R450 Next Gen | ETR
Gouden hogedrukspuit in achterwand
BUFFL stoelframe
BUFFL stoelframe met bekleede vloer met pluche accenten
ETR interieur
Zijwand en achterwand half vlak half geknoopt
geknoopte hemel met rode spot en beklde zijhemel en voorkast
Beklde achterkast
Geknoopte hemel en beklede voorkast
Scania R450 Next Gen | ETR
Gouden hogedrukspuit in achterwand
BUFFL stoelframe
BUFFL stoelframe met bekleede vloer met pluche accenten
ETR interieur
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